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» Guidance and Counceling Guidance and Counceling – TaTU

Guidance and Counceling

The Guidance and  Counseling  Unit plays three dimensional roles; it offers Guidance and Counseling services to the students, staff, and the community.


Humans are surrounded by pressure that emanates from our daily hustles and bustle of life. This makes our relationship with self, friends, spouses, relatives and environment we interact with, create conflicts that affect the self, others and performance at work and home.

Guidance and Counseling therefor play very vital role in facilitating health lifestyles through self-understanding (interest, abilities, values, attitude, etc.) and one’s interaction with the environment (school, lecturers, courses/programmers, and friends, to mention few). A balance of these variables determine one’s performance in achieving very seasoned and promising career goals.


Our mission is to provide a strong psychosocial support to our administrative team, lecturers, and community in preparing Tamale Technical University students to be future ready citizens by providing them, with a very congenial atmosphere for optimal learning to meet their Academic, personal-social and career needs.

Vision statement

In partnership with our stakeholders, we facilitate and coordinate a multi-tiered support system to ensure that all students are well prepared and have access to knowledge and skill necessary to become globally competitive and lifelong learners.

Staff strength

  • Two Counselors
  • Assistant Registrar
  • Principal Administrative


  • Education, Guidance Unit
  • Personal-social (Marriage, Relationship)
  • Career Guidance Unit


  • Test for Ghana Scholarship
  • Camfed Ghana
  • Municipal/District Assemblies
  • MPs and Chiefs for student financial support schemes

Office's Contact Info.

