Warning: Undefined array key "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" in /home/tatuedu/public_html/wp-includes/taxonomy-loader.php on line 40 » ADVERTISEMENT FOR VICE CHANCELLORADVERTISEMENT FOR VICE CHANCELLOR – TaTU
Tamale Technical University came into being with the passing of the Technical Universities (Amendment) Act, 2018 (Act 974) by the Parliament of Ghana and assent by the President on 24th August, 2018. Following this, Key Officers including the Vice-Chancellor were appointed to manage the affairs of the University. The post of Vice-Chancellor will become vacant on July 1, 2024. In view of the above, the Governing Council of the University invites applications from suitably qualified individuals who are goal-oriented and results driven with good leadership qualities for appointment to the post of Vice-Chancellor.
The Position/Job Description
The Vice-Chancellor is:
The Academic and Executive Head, as well as Chief Disciplinary Officer of the University, and is responsible to the Governing Council of the University.
Responsible, in accordance with the Statutes and the decisions of Council and the Academic Board, for organizing and conducting the Academic, Financial and Administrative business of the University.
Responsible for the development and promotion of world-class, high quality technical University education and the provision of the necessary academic and administrative leadership.
Responsible for initiating and implementing the Strategic Plan of the University, subject to approval by the Council.
Required to advise the Council and Academic Board on all matters affecting policy, finance, governance and administration of the University.
The Vice-Chancellor may delegate any of the functions assigned by the Statutes to Senior Members of the University as deemed appropriate.
Terms of Appointment
The Vice-Chancellor should be able to serve a full term of four (4) years before reaching the statutory retirement age of sixty (60). The appointment may be renewed upon application for another term only or part thereof if that is not beyond the statutory retirement age of sixty (60).
The terms and conditions of the appointment shall be determined by the Council, consistent with the Technical Universities Act, 2016 (Act 922) as amended, Statutes and Scheme of Service of Staff of the Tamale Technical University.
The salary and conditions of service attached to this position are very attractive and competitive with those in comparable positions in Ghana.
The Candidate’s Attributes
Academic Background, Skills and Experience in Educational Administration
The applicant must:
Be of Professorial rank.
Be a distinguished and internationally acclaimed scholar with academic qualification of PhD or its equivalent, preferably in Science, Technology or Engineering.
Have broad experience and in-depth knowledge of tertiary education governance.
Have a good understanding of the challenges facing Tamale Technical University in particular and tertiary education in general.
Have at least ten (10) years working experience in senior management position in tertiary education or related institutions.
Have demonstrated capacity to motivate faculty, staff and students and manage the University’s assets.
Have demonstrated capacity to raise funds and other resources.
Professional and Industry Experience in Science, Technology or Engineering
Be a member of a recognised technical professional body.
Have wide experience in collaboration with industry.
Be visionary, business-oriented and able to establish rapport between the University and Industry.
General Business and Personal Skills
Possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills, be a team player, have a high emotional intelligence and capacity to manage and control crises.
Have proven organisational and leadership skills.
Be of good character and demonstrate personal integrity.
Candidates are to submit an application letter, and a Vision Statement of not more than four pages (Times New Roman, font size 12 and 1.5-line spacing) outlining their vision for the University and strategies for implementation.
Candidates are to attach their Curriculum Vitae, including names and addresses of three (3) referees who can attest to the qualities of the applicant.
All applications should be addressed to the Chairperson, Search Committee for Vice-Chancellor.
Applications must be delivered in a sealed envelope by courier to the Registry of the University and signed for, and also submitted using an electronic mail (e-mail) to reach any of the addresses below: