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» Facts and Figures Facts and Figures – TaTU


1951, began as a Trades Training Center (TTC)

1954, became Government Training School

1960, converted to a Junior Technical Institute

1992, raised to the status of a Polytechnic

2018, upgraded to a Technical University.

Faculties, Departments, Centers & Institutes, Programmes

   Number of Faculties

38  Number of Departments

3    Number of Centers and Institutes


Number of Teaching Staff by Rank and Gender for 2020/21 Academic Year
Rank Male Female Total
Professor 9 1 10
Senior Lecturer (PhD) 16 1 17
Senior Lecturer (Non-PhD) 23 1 24
Lecturer (PhD) 7 1 8
Lecturer (Non-PhD) 45 8 53
Assistant Lecturer 56 14 70
Instructor 13 1 14
Grand Total 168 26 194