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Tuesday 3rd July 2024, the new Vice-Chancellor of Tamale Technical University (TaTU) met separately with the Executives of various stakeholders within the University Community to present and discuss his vision for the next four years of his stewardship as the Chief Executive Officer. He outlined some of the areas his administration would concentrate which would include working to complete on-going projects, automating and digitalizing the university operations to create papersless campus, enhancing cleanliness and beautification of the campus, encouraging international linkages, education and collaboration, establishing community engagement programs, setting up academia-industry advisory boards for all faculties, improving Alumni engagements, and enhancing the university’s communication and marketing strategies.
The stakeholders used the opportunity to congratulate the new Vice-Chancellor for his appointment and assured him of their commitment and support in ensuring that he achieves this vision.

The Associations and unions that took part in the engagement sessions included the Technical Universities Teachers Association of Ghana ( TUTAG), Technical Universities Senior Staff Association of Ghana(TUSSAG), Technical Universities Administrators Association of Ghana (TUAAG), Technical Universities Workers Association of Ghana (TUWAG), GRASAG, and Alumni Association of TaTU.

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