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Tamale Technical University is touted in recent times to be the envy of other technical universities in Ghana, according to the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of Tamale Technical University, Prof. Abass Braimah. This, he said, is as a result of the university’s being so successful in the accreditation of many programmes in a relatively short period of time. This was proudly stated by the VC at the University’s 2022 Convocation meeting held on Thursday, April 14, 2022, at the ICT Auditorium. Given the operational results for the financial year ending December 31st 2021, he stated that the state of the university was strong.

Prof. Abass outlined a number of activities that were carried out by the University during the period under review. Amongst such activities included; a training programme for the University’s newly constituted Governing Council, hosting the 10th Vice Chancellors of Technical Universities of Ghana (VCTUG) Conference, Staff Development, appointments and promotions, and infrastructural development.

Given his account on the Academic affairs of the University, the Vice Chancellor announced that the University was able to increase tremendously the number of its Bachelor of Technology Programs from two (2) to twenty one (21) and this has resulted in the University’s slightly increasing its enrolment figures for the 2021/2022 academic year.

Reporting on the current staffing situation of the University, the VC stated that the current staff strength of the University stands at Six hundred and Seventy One (671). The break down was as follows: Associate Professors Four (4), Senior Lecturers fifty six (56), Lecturers sixty five (65), and Assistant Lecturers/Assistant Research Fellows ninety four (94). The rest are Senior Members, seventy five (75); Senior Staff, one hundred and eighty (180); Junior Staff and Casual Staff, one hundred and nineteen (119) and seventy eight (78) respectively. He however lamented that current staff strength was inadequate and that poses a threat to the developmental goals of the University. He further commended staff for their renewed interest in research and publications indicating that there was a rise in the number of papers published by the staff of the University and this, he said, was a clear manifestation of the efforts being made by staff to unearth practical and technological solutions to the country’s developmental challenges. He further indicated that thirty six (36) and thirteen (13) staff of the University are currently on further studies pursuing PhD and Master degree programmes respectively.

The meeting was brought to a conclusion with an open forum and question session where members were given the opportunity to make comments, seek clarifications and ask questions bordering their minds.