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» Rustication of Students for examination malpractices Rustication of Students for examination malpractices – TaTU

Rustication of Students for examination malpractices

Pursuant to Statute 51 of the Statutes of Tamale Technical University, a Disciplinary Committee for Junior Members of the University was set to look into various examination malpractices for the 2021 second semester examination period.
The Committee’s investigations revealed that One Hundred and Ninety Six (196) cases of Examination malpractices were reported.
One Hundred and Ninety Three (193) cases were found culpable of the offences against them which involved bringing foreign materials into the examination room which included: mobile phones, electronic wrist watches, handwritten notes on pieces of
papers, written inscriptions on veils, scarfs, handkerchief, bodily palm, and bodily thigh. The Academic Board at its meeting on 15th December, 2021 upheld the recommendations of the Disciplinary Committee to rusticate One Hundred and Ninety Three (193) students of the University who were involved in various Examination malpractices during the 2021 second semester examinations held from 30th August, to 20th September, 2021.

The students each has been rusticated for two semesters (one academic year) beginning from the next semester of the 2022 academic year and the papers in which the malpractice had occurred are all cancelled.
The students were found, in breach of Section 9 ‘Schedule P’ of the Tamale Technical University Statutes by the Disciplinary Committee on Examinations Malpractice and their rustication was recommended in line with Section 28 ( c ) of Schedule ‘P’ of the Statutes of the Tamale Technical University.