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The Governing Council of Tamale Technical University (TaTU), at its 8th regular meeting on Friday, 18th August 2023, approved the recommendations of the University Appointments and Promotions Board (UAPB) to promote eight (8) staff to various ranks. Dr. Abdul Rashid Alolo Akaji promoted from Senior Lecturer to an Associate Professor, Mr. Osman Mubarik Abu, Alhaji Abdulai Wumbei, Mr. Bawah Mohammed Wumbei, and Mr. Ibrahim Abdul Rashid promoted to the rank of Deputy Registrars. The Council also approved the promotion of Mr. Baba Shakuru and Mr. Abu Yakubu to Deputy Directors of Finance. Mr. Benjamin Asamoah promoted to Deputy Guidance and Counselling Officer. 

The University Management congratulates these hardworking staff on their promotions and hopes that they would continue to put their various expertise to ensure the growth and success of the University.


Associate Prof. Alhassan Alolo Abdul-Rasheed Akeji


Alhassan Alolo Abdul-Rasheed Akeji is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Business the Department of Logistics and Procurement Management at the Tamale Technical University (TaTu), Ghana. He was employed into the University in July 2008 as a Lecturer in the Department of Marketing. 

Prior to his current position as the Dean of Students Affairs, he has held positions such as Senior Resident Tutor, Vice Dean of faculty of Business, Head of Department etc. He has also served in several committees in the university including University Entity Tender Committee, Staff Development and Scholarships Committee, Executive Committee, Tamale Technical University 2016 Strategic Plan Committee, Proposal Development Committee, University Promotion and Appointment Board Committee, Library Committee, Residence and Housing Committee, etc.

 He received his doctorate degree in Management Science and Engineering in June, 2018 from Jiangsu University in the People’s Republic of China. MSc in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, MBA in Strategic Management and Consulting, M.A in HRD, and MSc in Organizational Development were obtained from KNUST, KNUST, UCC and CCOD (UDS) respectively.

His research interests include Application of Big Data analytics on firm performance, supply-Chain Management, supply chain ecosystem, shared value creation, methodological issues in Application of Big Data analytics on firm’s performance, supply-Chain Management, Block chain operational capabilities on firm performance, Block chain Ecosystem, Stock Price Prediction Using Optimal Network Based Twitter Sentiment Analysis, Application of IOT in Business, etc.

Since 2009, he has been a Facilitator of strategic management at the Common Wealth Executive Masters level organized by KNUST. He has successfully supervised more than fifty (50) Master of Business Administration students on the KNUST CEMBA/EMBA programme. 

Prof. Alolo is also an External Assessor to Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC), faculty of Education in the University for Development Studies, and a number of Technical Universities including Bolgatanga Technical University.

On the professional scale, he is also a member of several professional bodies such as Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (MCIPS),UK; awaiting induction as a Fellow of Institute of Project Management Professionals , Ghana.


Alhaji Abdulai Wumbei


Alhaji Abdulai is currently the Director of Human Resource in TaTU. He was appointed into the then Tamale Polytechnic in 2002 as an Instructor in the department of Secretaryship and Management Studies where at some point was made the acting Head of Department. In view of his continuous efforts to upgrade himself, he pursued further studies and returned to continue teaching. In 2007 he was re-appointed as an Assistant Registrar in charge of personnel unit.

 He served on this position diligently for five (5) years and was transferred to the Public Relations Department as the head. Having worked in the Public Relations Department for two (2) years, he was transferred to the Academic Affairs Department.  During his tenure, he worked hard to increase the enrolment of students into the University and liaised with the lecturers to accredit academic programmes.

He was subsequently reshuffled to serve as the Ag. Director of General Administration in the University.  He carried out oversight responsibilities on a number of departments including Academic Affairs and, Transport and Public Affairs especially when the substantive officers where on leave. In September 2022, he was again transferred back to Head the Human Resource Directorate a position he is currently holding in the University.

 Alhaji Abdulai worked under the Registrar in both capacities as Personnel and Public Relations Officer and assisted in the recruitment of majority of the teaching and non-teaching staff into the University.  Besides, he played a significant role in the implementation of the policies contained in the Statutes and the Conditions of Service documents.

He worked as a tutor at the T.I. Ahmadiyya Secondary School, Salaga and Business Secondary School, Tamale from 2000 to 2002. 

Alhaji Abdulai attended Bimbilla Secondary School from 1984 to 1989, where he obtained his General Certificate of Education, ordinary level.  He continued to Bagabaga Training College from 1989 to 1992 where he attained Certificate “A” 3-year Post Secondary.  This qualified him as a professional teacher, to teach at Wulensi Junior Secondary School from 1992 to 1995.  Having taught for a while, he gained admission into the University College of Education Winneba – Kumasi Campus in 1996 where he obtained his Bachelor in Education (Secretarial and Management Option). He obtained his Master of Public Administration (MPA) from 2004 to 2006 at the University of Ghana, Legon. Besides, he did certificate programme in Human Resources Management at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) and also in Public Relations, Advertising and Marketing at the Ghana Institute of Journalism in 2021.

The University appointed him to serve as a Secretary/Recorder to a number of Committees and Boards such as Academic Board, Development Committee, Entity Tender Committee, and the Staff Development Committee etc.

Alhaji Abdulai has shown very good leadership skills in his work as an administrator.  He has mentored a lot of senior staff and senior members.  He keeps to standards and supports the Registrar immensely for the University to gain the best output from its non-teaching staff.  On the part of service to community, Alhaji Abdulai was very instrumental in the opening of a satellite campus of Tamale Technical University at Wulensi, in the Nanumba South District.


Mr. OSman Mubarik Abu


Mr. Osman Mubarik Abu’s career trajectory from an Administrative Assistant to a Deputy Registrar in the University Administration demonstrates his dedication and commitment to his profession and the institution. His involvement in various committees and his contributions to academia and policy development highlight his versatility and leadership skills.

He is the first ever Alumni of TaTU to get promoted to the Rank of a Deputy in the University Administration. He was employed in the then Tamale Polytechnic in July 2008 as an Administrative Assistant. In October 2012, he was re-designated to the rank of an Assistant Registrar, where he served for four years before been promoted to a Senior Assistant Registrar. After working hard for six years in that rank as a Senior Assistant Registrar, he got promoted to Deputy Registrar in August 2023.

Mr. Osman was appointed the Acting Director of Public Affairs of the University in January 2021 and has been on that schedule till now. Before his current appointment as the Director of Public Affairs, he was assigned the responsibility of the University Radio Station Manager from 2014 to 2021. From 2013 to 2014, he was the Assistant Registrar in charge of the University Alumni Relations. He worked as the Faculty of Engineering Administrator (Now Faculty Officer) from 2008 to 2012. 

Before joining the then Tamale Polytechnic, he worked with School for Life (SfL) in Tamale, a local non-governmental organization working into functional literacy programme for adult learners. He worked from 2005 to 2006 as a national service personnel and retained as a staff after national service till 2007. He was responsible for the Ambassador Girls Scholarship Programme for girls in rural communities in the Northern Region.

He holds a Master of Arts Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from Sikkim Manipal University, Ghana Campus, Accra, and Bachelor of Commence from the University of Cape Coast, and HND in Secretary ship and Management Studies from the TaTU. He attained his secondary school certificate from the Ghana Senior High School (Ghanasco) in Tamale.

Professionally, he is a member of the Chartered Institute of Administrators and Management Consultant (CIAMC) Ghana. He is a certified Chartered Professional Administrator. An Alumni of Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) certificate in Youth Leadership training and an Alumni of StFX’s Coardy Institute Certificate in Assess Based Citizen Development (ABCD), Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada. He also holds certificate in 21st Century Leadership in TVET, organised by GiZ.

In 2016, he was elected the Local Chairman of Technical Universities Administrators Association of Ghana (TUAAG) and served until 2019. Mr. Osman has served as Secretary and member to various statutory Committees in the University and, this includes member of the Governing Council of the then Tamale Polytechnic and later a member of the first Governing Council of the Tamale Technical University, member of the University Management Committee, member of University Academic Board, member of the University Executive Committee, Secretary to the Entity Tender Committee, Secretary to Security Committee, member of House Committee, member of University staff development and scholarship Committee, member of the Statutes Draft Committee, member of INCOTaTU, Chairman of Publicity Committee for GHATU 2022 and member of the University Admissions Outreach Committee.

Mr. Osman is a contributor to a USA based Louisville World Affairs Council of Kentucky newsletter. He is currently the Co-Founder of the Tudu Center for Leadership and Development (TCLD), a local policy think tank operating with the Northern Region of Ghana.


Mr. Bawa Mohammed Wumbei


Mr. Wumbei was appointed into TaTU in July, 2008 as Senior Administrative Assistant. In July, 2012, he was re-designated to the grade of an Assistant Registrar after obtaining a Master’s Degree in Leadership and Development from the University for Development Studies, Tamale. After serving as an Assistant Registrar for four (4) years, he got promoted as Senior Assistant Registrar in August, 2016. He served on that grade for six (6) years before his current promotion as Deputy Registrar.   

Mr. Wumbei attended Sakasaka Junior Secondary School between 1992 and 1995. From there, he proceeded to T.I. Ahmadiyya Secondary School (T.I. AMASS) in Kumasi, where he studied General Arts between 1996 and 1999. He briefly taught at the Ghana Education Service in Savelugu District as Pupils Teacher after his Secondary School education before gaining admission into the University of Cape Coast in 2002 to study a Bachelor of Arts Degree (Economics/Sociology option) programme.  

He completed the University of Cape Coast in 2006 and did his National Service with the Legal Aid Scheme in Tamale. On the National Service programme, he was privileged of being selected by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for training as Court-Connected Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Practitioner.

Since his re-designation to a Senior Membership position, he got appointed to serve in various offices of responsibility. Between July, 2012 and February, 2017, he served as Head of Students Records in the Academic Affairs Directorate. From February, 2017 and September, 2018, he served as Head of Human Resources Directorate until September 2022, when he was transferred to Directorate of General Administration till now.

 He also carried out additional responsibilities as Director of Public Affairs, Faculty Officer of Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology and Faculty of Applied Arts.

He served as Secretary/Recorder to a number of Committees and Boards of the University. Some of these include the Academic Board, the University Appointments and Promotions Board, the Administration Appointments and Promotions Committee, the Examinations Malpractice Committee, the Disciplinary Committee, the Executive Committee, the Staff Development and Scholarships Committee. 

Acting as the Director of Human Resources of the University, he served as External Resource Person to the Appointments Boards/Committees of the University for Development Studies, the Tamale College of Education and Savannah Agricultural Research Institute (SARI).

On the professional and academic front, Mr. Wumbei is a Court-Connected ADR Practitioner and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Leadership and Governance-Ghana (FCILG-G). Mr. Wumbei has done extensive academic research traversing in workplace conflict management, leadership styles by gender and general human resource issues. He has eight (8) research publications and a host of position papers to shape governance discourse in the University and beyond. 


Mr. Ibrahim Abdul-Rashid


Mr. Abdul-Rashid was employed into TaTU in November 2009 as Assistant Business Development Manager. He subsequently got promoted to Senior Assistant Registrar in 2014. Mr. Rashid became the Business Development Manager in 2015, a position he held till 2020, when he was appointed a Faculty Officer. He has been serving as a Faculty Officer from then up to date.

Before he joined the University, he worked as a Farm Manager at Vicdoris Farms in Brong Ahafo Region from 2002-2003. He also worked with National Board for Small Scale Industries (NBSSI) as Head of the Business Advisory Centre in the then Tolon/Kumbungu District from 2003-2006

He had his Secondary Education in Ghana Secondary school (Ghanasco), Tamale, from 1993-1995 and from there, he proceeded to the University for Development Studies, Tamale, where he obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agriculture Technology from 1998-2001. He attained a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) International Business Management from Paris Graduate School of Management. He obtained a second MBA in Marketing from the University of Applied Management (UAM), Ghana Campus. In addition, he has attained a Post-graduate Diploma in Educational Mentorship from University of Education, Winneba.  


Mr. Shakuru Baba

Mr. Baba Shakuru is a certified Chartered Accountant and a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). He was appointed into TaTU in December 2012 as an Accountant. Due to his hard work and dedicated services, he got promoted as a Senior Accountant in 2016, a position he held until this promotion to a Deputy Director of Finance. As a Senior Accountant he was responsible for General Accounts, which includes but not limited to preparation of Final Accounts (on yearly basis) of the University for review by the Finance Director, validation of entries in the Accounting system with reference to the appropriateness of transactions classification, and amounts from payment vouchers from both Cheque and Payment Order processing, providing safe custody for all payment vouchers of the University, reviewing payment vouchers for completeness, accuracy and occurrence, supervision of end of year stock taking and submission of report thereon to the Finance Director, preparation of bank reconciliation statements for the main expenditure accounts as mentioned and reviewing of bank reconciliations prepared by assigned schedule officers for other banks accounts of the University.

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Administration (Accounting Option) from the University of Ghana, Legon and Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University in the UK. He also hold a Master of Science degree in Accounting and Finance from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). He is professionally qualified and in good standing with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Following a five-year continuous membership with the ACCA, compliance with the relevant requirements of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and commitment to professionalism and ethics. He was admitted in 2016 as a Fellow of the professional Association. He has been working and serving in various roles as an Accountant in both the public and private sectors and gained experiences of working in the accounting environment in organizations and other institutions, spanning over 20 years as an Accountant and a Finance professional.


Mr. Abu Yakubu

Mr. Abu Yakubu is a Chartered Accountant and a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Ghana (ICAG). He was employed into TaTU in November 2009 as a Senior Administrative Assistant at the Business Development Unit (BDU). He was later realigned as a Senior Accounting Assistant. After attaining higher academic qualifications in 2014, he was re-designated to an Accountant, and in 2018, he got promoted to a Senior Accountant. He has worked as a practicing Accountant and a Part-time Lecturer with the KNUST and University of Education, Winneba distanc’e centers for several Years.

He has in-depth knowledge of Corporate Finance and Accounting Principles, Laws and Best Practices and a solid knowledge in Financial Analysis and Forecasting. He is proficient in the Use of Accounting and Financial Soft wares.

He holds a Masters’ Degree in Business Administration (Accounting Option) from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Kumasi-Ghana), a Bachelor Degree in Social Science Education(Accounting Option) from the University of Cape Coast(Cape Coast-Ghana) and a certificate in Costing and Pricing of Government Services, from the University of Ghana(Legon, Accra-Ghana).

 Until this promotion, he has served as the Head of Revenue for the University for Six (6) years, Head of Budget for two (2) years, Accountant for the University Business Development Unit for Three (3) Years.

He has served as the Treasurer for the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) for the Ghana Technical Universities Sports Association (GHATUSA 2022), Treasurer for the First International Research Conference of Tamale Technical University, and the Financial Advisor to the Tamale Technical University Student Representative Council.


He was a professional teacher who taught for 18years in Baidoo Bonso Senior High school, Western Region, and later got appointed to a Guidance and Counselling Officer position of Tamale Technical University in November, 2009. He rose through the ranks to the Deputy Director of Guidance & Counselling in August 2023. He headed and pioneered the operationalisation of formal Counselling activities, in serving the academic, personal-social and career needs of students and staff of the University from 2009 till date. Foreseeing the enormity of the unit as regards its prospects, he never became discouraged but rather braved all odds and broke possible plausible pathways to grow the unit to its current state of a Directorate; quite a daunting task though. He carved the Guidance & Counselling policy that provides clear direction to Counselling activities and Anti-sexual Harassment policy which hitherto regulated the moral behaviours of both students and staff of the University.

He holds MEd Guidance and Counselling from the University of Cape Coast and B Ed English from University of Education, Winneba.

Besides the normal in-house Counselling, session, he mainstreamed Guidance activities with academic programmes of students by placing Guidance services at the door step of students through lecture theatre interaction module. This makes Guidance very impactful in refining and changing inadmissible attitudes and behaviours of students, into very useful academic and social outcomes.

He worked in close collaboration with corporate entities namely, CAMFED, Test for Ghana, District Assemblies, MPs and benevolent individuals to secure financial support for funding needy students’ fee payment. This hugely, reduced students fall-out from their academic programmes and also generates income for the university 

The University does not exist in isolation, it derives its very essence and existence directly from the community. In his private life, he is a Pastor.  Therefore it became incumbent on him being instrumental  with  the extra God-given talents inherent in him and used his leisure time in establishing churches in Bawku, Kongo, and Bolgatanga enclaves,  Zabzugu, Yendi, Saboba, Kpandai and Tamale to mention a few, from 2009 to date.


The Governing Council of Tamale Technical University (TaTU), at its 8th regular meeting on Friday, 18th August 2023, approved the recommendation of the University Appointments and Promotions Board (UAPB) to promote Mr. Benjamin Asamoah to a Deputy Director of Counselling.

The University Management congratulates him for this promotion and hopes that he would continue to put his expertise to ensure the growth and success of the University.

He was a professional teacher who taught for 18years in Baidoo Bonso Senior High school, Western Region, and later got appointed to a Guidance and Counselling Officer position of Tamale Technical University in November, 2009. He rose through the ranks to the Deputy Director of Guidance & Counselling in August 2023. He headed and pioneered the operationalisation of formal Counselling activities, in serving the academic, personal-social and career needs of students and staff of the University from 2009 till date. Foreseeing the enormity of the unit as regards its prospects, he never became discouraged but rather braved all odds and broke possible plausible pathways to grow the unit to its current state of a Directorate; quite a daunting task though. He carved the Guidance & Counselling policy that provides clear direction to Counselling activities and Anti-sexual Harassment policy which hitherto regulated the moral behaviours of both students and staff of the University.

He holds MEd Guidance and Counselling from the University of Cape Coast and B Ed English from University of Education, Winneba.

Besides the normal in-house Counselling, session, he mainstreamed Guidance activities with academic programmes of students by placing Guidance services at the door step of students through lecture theatre interaction module. This makes Guidance very impactful in refining and changing inadmissible attitudes and behaviours of students, into very useful academic and social outcomes.

He worked in close collaboration with corporate entities namely, CAMFED, Test for Ghana, District Assemblies, MPs and benevolent individuals to secure financial support for funding needy students’ fee payment. This hugely, reduced students fall-out from their academic programmes and also generates income for the university 

The University does not exist in isolation, it derives its very essence and existence directly from the community. In his private life, he is a Pastor.  Therefore it became incumbent on him being instrumental  with  the extra God-given talents inherent in him and used his leisure time in establishing churches in Bawku, Kongo, and Bolgatanga enclaves,  Zabzugu, Yendi, Saboba, Kpandai and Tamale to mention a few, from 2009 to date.